Is a cruise holiday right for me?

Cruise holidays are not for everyone, but if you have not been on one and assume that you wouldn’t enjoy it you may be very surprised. I have often heard people say that they don’t think they would enjoy one but have later tried it and now that is all they do.

Holiday makers who haven’t yet tried a cruise tell us that popular cruising myths like “I’ll get seasick” and “I’ll feel claustrophobic on the boat” are among the top reasons to why they have not been tempted to book cruise holiday.

Cruise holidays are often advertised on the TV and let’s face it, they often look far from boring. With pools, slides and entertainment there is something for everyone. Often on a cruise you will port and get the opportunity to get off the ship and explore the local area. This is a great way to see lots of new places and be able to enjoy time to relax on the boat too.